Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Frank Storch Offers Many Ways to Keep Your School and Children, Safe

For most people creating a secure environment seems a daunting task, but because of Frank Storch and his downloadable handbook Keep Your School Safe, anyone can make a difference in the safety level of their children’s school.

Here is just one of many examples of ways Frank Storch guides readers through the steps of creating the safest environment possible for children.

Is the Crisis Management Plan accessible to all key personnel?
Are all safety and security protocols kept up to date?
Is a thorough assessment of the school’s safety and security protocols periodically conducted by security professionals and/or law enforcement? When was the last time such an assessment was completed?

Download the guide here and learn more about keeping schools, and the children within them, safe.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Parents Participate in Keeping Schools Safe

Parents Get Involved in Keeping their Kid's Schools Safe
Among the many responsibilities parents have for their children, one with a top priority is keeping them safe.

Now that Frank Storch has sent his guidebook “Keep Your School Safe,” to all Jewish schools throughout North America, parents can encourage those schools to implement the procedures.

“It is imperative that parents get involved to make changes,” emphasizes Frank Storch. “Parents play a key role in helping the schools turn these ideas into actions. Especially in light of recent events, there can no longer be any doubt that all parents must encourage and maximize safety in their children’s schools.”

After receiving the booklet, one parent became quite happy, and relieved:

“I was totally blown away,” Mrs. Rosenstock said. “It put me in tears, I was so grateful.”

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Frank Storch Reaching Out to North American Institutions to Keep Them Safe

Not content with just bringing the guidebook Keep Your School Safe to the Baltimore Jewish community, Frank Storch, with the Chesed Fund and Project Ezra, are sending the safety handbook to all Jewish schools and other institutions all over North America.

The first printing of this comprehensive guidebook consisted of ten thousand copies and is intended for every Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and community day schools. An additional handbook is underway right now which will be sent to all public and private schools throughout North America.
In Frank Storch’s own words he explains why he is so dedicated to getting the word out about community safety:

“As a Security Consultant, Coordinator for CERT (the Community Emergency Response Team in Northern Park Heights, Baltimore) and an expert in security for over thirty-five years I felt that the Jewish community needs no further wake-up call than the tragedy last December in Newtown, CT; it is imperative to review and tighten school safety and security measures.”

The guidebook was published in memory of the 20 young students and 6 dedicated teachers and staff who were brutally murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last December. It is also dedicated to the victims who died as a result of the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon in April.

For more information and resources please visit For any questions or comments please call 410-358-2525 or email

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Is Your Classroom Safe and Ready for a Crisis?

Frank Storch recently completed a very important handbook for school safety. Called Keep Your School Safe, the handbook offers very easy to follow guidelines for preparing a school for added safety. There are checklist sections where a school can evaluate its current safety measures and implement new recommendations offered by Frank Storch.

In one section, for instance, the handbook asks schools to evaluate their classroom safety. Questions in the checklist include:

1. Is a lockdown procedure checklist posted in every classroom and office?

2. Do all classrooms and offices have clearly marked room numbers outside the door so that emergency responders can easily locate them if necessary? Do the teachers know their classroom number(s)?

3. Do all classrooms and offices have a diagram that shows where the room is located within the building, and clearly indicates the locations of emergency exits, escape routes, and safe rooms?

4. Are all classroom and office doors and windows lockable? Is all locking hardware in working order?

This is an example of 4 of the 19 questions that they offer for schools in the classroom section of the handbook.